Alan's Guitarist Guide to Free Bach
What happened in
Vocal Works : Guitar +Recorder entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 152 - Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn:
"Wie Soll Ich" :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar +Recorder by L. Chambers
added 9/11/04
BWV 156 - Ich steh mit einem Fuss im Grabe:
Sinfonia (Adagio) [Sometimes called "Arioso"]. :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar +Recorder by L. Chambers
Vocal Works : Guitar arr. entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 147 - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben:
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" Chorale (Jesu Bleibet Meine Freude). :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV 208 - Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!:
"Sheep May Safely Graze" aria (Schafe können sicher weiden) :
Guitar arr. by C. Minami "Huhu"
added 9/11/04
BWV 244 - St Matthew Passion (Matthäuspassion):
Chorale "O Sacred Head Now Wounded" (O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden) :
Guitar arr. by B. Alink
Vocal Works : Guitar DUO entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 163 - Nur jedem das Seine:
Aria: "Loss mein Herz die Munze sein" :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 208 - Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!:
"Sheep May Safely Graze" aria (Schafe können sicher weiden) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 232 - Mass in b minor (Messe in h-moll) (in b minor):
17. Et in Spiritum Sanctum :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
Vocal Works : Guitar QUARTET entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 22 - Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe:
"Sanctify us By Thy Goodness" (Ertöt uns durch dein Güte) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar QUARTET by A. Coady
added 9/11/04
BWV 227 - Jesu, meine Freude:
"Gute Nacht" :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar QUARTET by A. Coady
Vocal Works : Guitar TRIO entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 232 - Mass in b minor (Messe in h-moll) (in b minor):
18. Confiteor :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar TRIO by D. Bachovich
Vocal Works : NONgtr. Edition entries :
- BWV 1-200 series - Sacred Cantatas: COLLECTIONS AND SELECTIONS :
added 9/11/04
[various movements (all the choral ones, apparently)] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
[various movements (dozens of them)] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1 to 197 COMPLETE** :
(full score)
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 19, 21, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 43, 63, 79, 82, 106, 110, 122, 142 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 29 EXCERPT - Sinfonia :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by G. Bricault
added 9/11/04
BWV 79 EXCERPT - "Nun Danket Alle Gott" (=3rd movt.) :
NONgtr. Edition by S. Dreher
- BWV 201-215 series - Secular Cantatas: COLLECTIONS AND SELECTIONS :
added 9/11/04
[most but not all] :
(full score)
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition)
added 9/17/04
[various movements (dozens of them)] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 202, 205, 212 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/17/04
BWV 207, 207a, 211 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 212 EXCERPT - Sinfonia :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TL Hubeart Jr.
added 9/17/04
BWV 118 - O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht:
[one movement?] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV 225-231 series - [Seven Motets] :
added 9/11/04
[full set of these] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
[various movements (dozens of them)] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 232 - Mass in b minor (Messe in h-moll) (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Siu
- BWV 232-236 series - [various works] - SETS and SELECTIONS :
added 9/17/04
[set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
[set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
- BWV 237-243 series - [various works] - SETS and SELECTIONS :
added 9/17/04
[set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 243 only - Magnificat :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/11/04
BWV 243a - Magnificat [earlier version (in E flat) of BWV 243] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 11 - Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (Ascension Oratorio):
[complete] :
(full score)
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition)
added 9/17/04
BWV 11 - Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (Ascension Oratorio):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by AM Paluch
added 9/11/04
BWV 11 - Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (Ascension Oratorio):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 244 - St Matthew Passion (Matthäuspassion):
[various movements (lots of them)] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 245 - St John Passion (Johannespassion):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 248 - Christmas Oratorio (Weihnachts-Oratorium):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 248 - Christmas Oratorio (Weihnachts-Oratorium):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/17/04
BWV 249 - Easter Oratorio (Kommt, eilet und laufet):
[movt. 7] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV 250-252 series - Wedding Chorales (COMPLETE SET) :
added 9/11/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
- BWV 253-438 series - Chorales for Four Voices (FULL SET, SELECTIONS, AND RELATED VERSIONS) :
added 9/11/04
BWV 253 to 438 COMPLETE (except for "a" versions) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 267 - Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt die Schuld :
(full score)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
added 9/11/04
BWV 267a - Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt die Schuld :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 311, 386, 352, 361, 362 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 325a - Sanctus, sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 335a - O Jesu, du mein Bräutigam :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 362 - Jesu, nun sei gepreiset :
(full score)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
added 9/11/04
BWV 401 - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig :
(full score)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
added 9/11/04
BWV 402 - O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde groß :
(full score)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
- BWV 439-507 series - Spiritual Songs (SETS and SELECTIONS) :
added 9/11/04
BWV 439 to 507 [complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 478 - Komm, süsser Tod, komm, selge Ruh [melody by Bach] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KW Whitcomb
added 9/17/04
BWV 487 - Mein Jesu, was für Seelenweh :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by JL Thompson
- BWV 519 to 523 series - [Five Sacred Songs (complete set)] :
added 9/11/04
[set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 524 - Quodlibet (Was sind das für grosse Schlösser…) ["Fragment for wedding, Mühlhausen"]:
[such as it is] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
Vocal Works : NONgtr. Manuscript entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 244 - St Matthew Passion (Matthäuspassion):
[first page only] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 248 - Christmas Oratorio (Weihnachts-Oratorium):
[first page only] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
Organ Works : Guitar arr. entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 565 - Toccata and Fugue (in d minor):
(complete) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by P. Hii
added 9/11/04
BWV 639 - Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesus Christ:
[complete] :
Guitar arr. by C. Vasapollo
Organ Works : Guitar DUO entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 542 - Fantasia (Prelude) and Fugue (in g minor):
2. Fugue :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by G. Louise
added 9/11/04
BWV 578 - Fugue (the famous "Little Fugue in g minor") (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by G. Louise
added 9/11/04
BWV 639 - Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesus Christ:
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by F. Faucher
Organ Works : Guitar TRIO entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 578 - Fugue (the famous "Little Fugue in g minor") (in g minor):
[complete] :
Guitar TRIO by Soo & Sung
Organ Works : NONgtr. Edition entries :
relinked 9/11/04
BWV 525-530 - Trio sonatas:
[complete set] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 525-530 - Trio sonatas:
[complete set] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 525-530 - Trio sonatas:
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 525-530 - Trio sonatas:
BWV 525, 529, 530 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by G. Bricault
- BWV 531-552 series - Preludes & Fugues: SETS (not including "A" versions) AND SELECTIONS :
relinked 9/11/04
[complete set] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/11/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
[various, selected by Dave Grossman] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 532, 533, 534, 536, 537, 538, 540 to 550, 552 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 532, 533, 535, 538 to 545, 547 to 550, 552 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 539, 541, 552 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by G. Bricault
added 9/17/04
BWV 553-560 - SPURIOUS: "Eight Short Preludes and Fugues" (SETS AND SELECTIONS):
[complete set] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 553-560 - SPURIOUS: "Eight Short Preludes and Fugues" (SETS AND SELECTIONS):
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 553-560 - SPURIOUS: "Eight Short Preludes and Fugues" (SETS AND SELECTIONS):
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
- BWV 561 to 598 series - [Various works]: SETS and SELECTIONS :
added 9/17/04
[various, selected by Dave Grossman] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 561, 563 to 566, 568, 570, 572, 574, 577, 578, 582, 590, 592, 593, 594, 596 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 561/1, 564, 565, 566, 568, 572, 577, 578, 579, 582 to 585, 587 to 590, 593, 596, 598 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
relinked 9/11/04
BWV 562 to 583 (except "spurious" ones), 588, 590, 598 (also BWV 574a) :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 593 - Concerto arrangement of Vivaldi RV522 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition by K. Lialiambis
added 9/17/04
BWV 592a - Harpsichord [solo] Concerto (an arrangement of BWV 592) (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by L. Meyer
- BWV 599-644 series - Das Orgelbüchlein (COMPLETE SETS, and SELECTIONS) :
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 599 to 608, 614, 615, 618, 619, 622, 626, 636, 637, 639, 641. :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 619, 630 to 644 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by R. Jordan
added 9/11/04
BWV 641 - [two versions] - Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein :
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
- BWV 645-650 series - The "Schübler" chorales (COMPLETE SETS AND SELECTIONS) :
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV 651-668 series - Leipzig chorales (COMPLETE SETS, SELECTIONS and/or ALTERNATE VERSIONS) :
relinked 9/11/04
[complete set] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Robinson
relinked 9/11/04
ALTERNATE versions :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
- BWV 669-689 series - Seventeen Chorale Preludes ("German Organ Mass") (COMPLETE SETS) :
relinked 9/11/04
[complete set] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
[most of these] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 669, 676, 684, 688 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 686 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by G. Bricault
- BWV 690-713 series - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (COMPLETE SETS and SELECTIONS) :
relinked 9/11/04
[complete set] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 691, 703, 706 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 703 only - Gottes Sohn ist kommen (Fughetta) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by P. Parkanyi
added 9/17/04
BWV 706 only - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by JJ Hardy
- BWV 714-740 series - Miscellaneous Chorale Preludes (COMPLETE SETS, SELECTIONS, and VARIANT VERSIONS) :
relinked 9/11/04
[complete set] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
relinked 9/11/04
[VARIANT versions] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 721, 727, 734 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 727, 734, 736 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 733 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by G. Bricault
- BWV 741-765 series - other chorales - SETS and SELECTIONS :
relinked 9/11/04
BWV 741, 753, 764 :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 745, 758 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition by GV Vallini
- BWV 766 to 771 series - Partitas and Variations on Chorales [COMPLETE SET, and SELECTIONS] :
relinked 9/11/04
BWV 766, 767, and 768 :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 768 only - Partite diverse, sopra: Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition by B. Travis
added 9/17/04
BWV 769: variations 1, 2, and 5 only :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by PH Soderman
- BWV 1090-1120 series - Organ Chorales from the Neumeister Collection :
added 9/17/04
BWV 1092, 1093, 1094, 1101, 1108 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1094, 1101, 1108 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
Keyboard Works : Guitar +Strings entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.02 Prelude (BWV 847/1) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar +Strings by S. Khorasani
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
(most of these, EXCEPT 1, 4, and 10) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by S. Khorasani
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.14 in B-flat (BWV 785) :
Guitar arr.(unknown)
added 9/11/04
BWV 810 - English Suite No.5 (in e minor):
6. Gigue :
Guitar arr.(unknown)
added 9/11/04
BWV 825 - Partita No.1 (Clavier-Ubung) (in B-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.01 Prelude [arr. as "Ave Maria" by Gounod] :
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.22-Fugue (BWV 867/2) :
Guitar arr. by Y. Roulin
added 9/11/04
BWV 903 - Chromatic fantasia and fugue (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by P. Hii
added 9/11/04
BWV 903 - Chromatic fantasia and fugue (in d minor):
[intro ("Allegro Impetuoso")] :
Guitar arr. by C. Ottem
added 9/11/04
BWV 917 - Fantasia (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by E. Silvestri
added 9/11/04
BWV 939 - Prelude from the Johann Peter Kellner collection (in C):
[complete] :
Guitar arr. by R. Van Hest
added 9/11/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
2. Andante :
Guitar arr. by JL Thompson
added 9/11/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
Aria :
Guitar arr. by C. Ninman
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.01 in C (BWV 772) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.01 in C (BWV 772) :
Guitar DUO by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.04 in C (BWV 775) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.10 in C (BWV 781) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.13 in a minor (BWV 784) :
Guitar DUO by C. Ottem
added 9/11/04
BWV 808 - English Suite No.3 (in g minor):
1. Allemande :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 810 - English Suite No.5 (in e minor):
6. Gigue :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by E. Silvestri
added 9/11/04
BWV 811 - English Suite No.6 (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 812 - French Suite No.1 (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 813 - French Suite No.2 (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 814 - French Suite No.3 (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 815 - French Suite No.4 (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.01 (both movts) (BWV 846) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.02 (BWV 847) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.03 (BWV 848) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.04 (BWV 849) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.05 (BWV 850) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.06 (BWV 851) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.07 (BWV 852) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.08 (BWV 853) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.09 Prelude (BWV 854/1) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.11 Prelude (BWV 856/1) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.12 (BWV 857) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.14 Prelude (BWV 859/1) :
Guitar DUO by B. Alink
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.18 (BWV 863) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.19 Prelude (BWV 864/1) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.22 (BWV 867) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.24 (BWV 869) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.01 Fugue (BWV 870/2) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.02 Fugue (BWV 871/2) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.05 Fugue (BWV 874/2) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.06 (BWV 875) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.07 (BWV 876) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.09 (BWV 878) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.10 Prelude (BWV 879/1) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.12 Prelude (BWV 881/1) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.14 Fugue (BWV 883/2) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.15 (BWV 884) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.19 (BWV 888) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.20 (BWV 889) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.24 (BWV 893) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
[movts. 2 & 3] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by D. Lovell
added 9/11/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
(complete) :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by G. Louise
Keyboard Works : NONgtr. Edition entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
(complete set) :
(keyboard/ piano)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
added 9/17/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.01 in C (BWV 772) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.01 in C, ALTERNATE VERSION (BWV 772a) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.01 in C, ALTERNATE VERSION (BWV 772a) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 772-786 - Two-Part Inventions:
No.13 in a minor (BWV 784) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 787-801 - Three-Part Sinfonias (Three-Part Inventions):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 787-801 - Three-Part Sinfonias (Three-Part Inventions):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 787-801 - Three-Part Sinfonias (Three-Part Inventions):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 787-801 - Three-Part Sinfonias (Three-Part Inventions):
(Nos. 1-2 only) :
(keyboard/ piano)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
added 9/17/04
BWV 787-801 - Three-Part Sinfonias (Three-Part Inventions):
No.15 in b minor (BWV 801) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 802-805 - Four Duets (No.1 in e minor, No.2 in F, No.3 in G, No.4 in a minor):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 802-805 - Four Duets (No.1 in e minor, No.2 in F, No.3 in G, No.4 in a minor):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 802-805 - Four Duets (No.1 in e minor, No.2 in F, No.3 in G, No.4 in a minor):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Jao
added 9/11/04
BWV 802-805 - Four Duets (No.1 in e minor, No.2 in F, No.3 in G, No.4 in a minor):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 802-805 - Four Duets (No.1 in e minor, No.2 in F, No.3 in G, No.4 in a minor):
BWV 805 only :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TL Hubeart Jr.
- BWV 806-811 series - Six English Suites (COMPLETE SETS and SELECTIONS) :
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by G. Bricault
added 9/11/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 806 to 809, and two movts. of 810 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV 812-817 series - Six French Suites (COMPLETE SETS) :
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
- BWV 818-821 series - Suites (SET OF WORKS) :
added 9/17/04
BWV 818 to 820 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 818 to 821 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 818, 819 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 818a [LATER version of BWV 818] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition by J. Sankey
added 9/17/04
BWV 819, 820 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 822 - Suite (in g minor):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 823 - Suite (fragment) (in f minor):
[such as it is] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 823 - Suite (fragment) (in f minor):
[such as it is] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 823 - Suite (fragment) (in f minor):
[such as it is] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by S. Azanon
- BWV 825-830 series - Six Partitas (Clavier-Ubung) :
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 831 - Ouverture nach Französischer Art (in b minor):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 831 - Ouverture nach Französischer Art (in b minor):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 831 - Ouverture nach Französischer Art (in b minor):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 831 - Ouverture nach Französischer Art (in b minor):
[various movements] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 832 - Partita (Suite A-dur) (in A):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 832 - Partita (Suite A-dur) (in A):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
- BWV 833-843 series - various works (COLLECTIONS OF THESE) :
added 9/11/04
BWV 833 to 838, 841 to 843 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 833, 835 to 837, 841 to 843 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 833, 835, 841 to 843 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 844 - Scherzo (doubtful) (in d minor):
(complete) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 844 - Scherzo (doubtful) (in d minor):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.01 Prelude [arr. as "Ave Maria" by Gounod] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 846-869 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book I (24 Preludes and Fugues):
No.10a [alternate version of 10 Prelude] (BWV 855/1a) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 870-893 - Well-Tempered Clavier: Book II (24 Preludes and Fugues):
(complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by Yo Tomita
- BWV 894-902 series - Various "Prelude and Fugue" works, and "Prelude and Fughetta" works [SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/17/04
BWV 894, 895, 899 to 902 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 894, 895, 899 to 901, 902/2 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 902/1a - [alternate version of Prelude to BWV 902] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 903 - Chromatic fantasia and fugue (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 903 - Chromatic fantasia and fugue (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 903 - Chromatic fantasia and fugue (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 904 - Fantasia and fugue (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 904 - Fantasia and fugue (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 904 - Fantasia and fugue (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 905 - Fantasia and fugue (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 906 - Fantasia and fugue [incomplete] (in c minor):
[such as it is] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 906 - Fantasia and fugue [incomplete] (in c minor):
[such as it is] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 906 - Fantasia and fugue [incomplete] (in c minor):
[such as it is] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 906 - Fantasia and fugue [incomplete] (in c minor):
[with completion added by TL Hubeart Jr.] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TL Hubeart Jr.
- BWV 907-923 series - [various works- SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/17/04
BWV 909 to 917, 919, 922 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 910 to 916 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 910 to 916, 919, 921, 922 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various**)
- BWV 924 to 932 series - [various works- SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/17/04
BWV 924 to 930 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 924 to 932 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV 933-938 series - Six "Little preludes" (SET OF WORKS) :
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
[complete set] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
- BWV 939 to 943 series - Preludes from the Johann Peter Kellner collection [SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/17/04
BWV 939 to 942 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 939 to 943 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV 946 to 962 series - [various Fugues - SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/17/04
BWV 946 to 955, 958, 959, 961 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 947, 948, 951, 952, 953, 958, 959, 961 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 959 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 963 to 969 - [various sonatas and movements]:
BWV 963, 965, 966, 967 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by A. Hut
added 9/11/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
1st movement :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TL Hubeart Jr.
- BWV 972-987 series - Concertos [arranged by Bach] after other composers (SET OF WORKS) :
added 9/17/04
[all of these] :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
[all of these] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Weimer
added 9/17/04
BWV 982 only :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TL Hubeart Jr.
added 9/17/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
(complete) :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
(complete) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
- BWV 989 to 994 series - [various works - SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/11/04
BWV 989 to 994 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 989, 990, 992 to 994 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 989, 992, 993 :
(MIDI only- organ version)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 990 - Sarabande con Partite (authenticity doubtful) :
(keyboard/ piano)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
added 9/17/04
BWV 992 "Aria" :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
Keyboard Works : NONgtr. Manuscript entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV 831 - Ouverture nach Französischer Art (in b minor):
[title page] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 906 - Fantasia and fugue [incomplete] (in c minor):
[first page only] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 971 - Italian Concerto (Italienisches Konzert F-dur) (in F):
[title page] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
[title page] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 988 - Goldberg Variations (Clavier-Ubung):
Variation 30 (a "quodlibet") :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 995 - "Lute Suite No.3" in g- [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1011] (in g minor):
[complete- BUT BASED ON CELLO VERSION (BWV 1011)] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 995 - "Lute Suite No.3" in g- [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1011] (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV 996 - "Lute Suite No.1" in e-. (in e minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV 996 - "Lute Suite No.1" in e-. (in e minor):
[complete] :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 997 - "Lute Suite No.2" in c- [or "Partita"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 997 - "Lute Suite No.2" in c- [or "Partita"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 997 - "Lute Suite No.2" in c- [or "Partita"] (in c minor):
5. Double :
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 998 - Prelude, fugue and allegro (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Hoover
added 9/11/04
BWV 998 - Prelude, fugue and allegro (in E-flat):
[complete] :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
updated 9/11/04
BWV 998 - Prelude, fugue and allegro (in E-flat):
1. Prelude :
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 999 - Preludio [or "Prelude"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Hoover
added 9/11/04
BWV 999 - Preludio [or "Prelude"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 1006a - "Lute Suite No.4" in E [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1006] (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
updated 9/11/04
BWV 1006a - "Lute Suite No.4" in E [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1006] (in E):
1. Prelude :
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1006a - "Lute Suite No.4" in E [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1006] (in E):
3. Gavotte En Rondeau :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/17/04
BWV 995 - "Lute Suite No.3" in g- [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1011] (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 995 - "Lute Suite No.3" in g- [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1011] (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 996 - "Lute Suite No.1" in e-. (in e minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 996 - "Lute Suite No.1" in e-. (in e minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 997 - "Lute Suite No.2" in c- [or "Partita"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 997 - "Lute Suite No.2" in c- [or "Partita"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 997 - "Lute Suite No.2" in c- [or "Partita"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 998 - Prelude, fugue and allegro (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 998 - Prelude, fugue and allegro (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 998 - Prelude, fugue and allegro (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 999 - Preludio [or "Prelude"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 999 - Preludio [or "Prelude"] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1000 - "Fuga del Signore Bach" [SEE ALSO BWV 1001 Fugue, where I've listed all GUITAR versions!!] (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1000 - "Fuga del Signore Bach" [SEE ALSO BWV 1001 Fugue, where I've listed all GUITAR versions!!] (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by J. Watson
added 9/11/04
BWV 1000 - "Fuga del Signore Bach" [SEE ALSO BWV 1001 Fugue, where I've listed all GUITAR versions!!] (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1006a - "Lute Suite No.4" in E [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1006] (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1006a - "Lute Suite No.4" in E [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1006] (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1006a - "Lute Suite No.4" in E [A transcription by Bach, based on BWV 1006] (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1001 - Sonata No.1 in g- for Solo Violin. (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1001 - Sonata No.1 in g- for Solo Violin. (in g minor):
2. Fugue [guitar versions- often based on both BWV 1000 and BWV 1001/2] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV 1001 - Sonata No.1 in g- for Solo Violin. (in g minor):
2. Fugue [guitar versions- often based on both BWV 1000 and BWV 1001/2] :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 1002 - Partita No.1 in b- for Solo Violin. (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1003 - Sonata No.2 in a- for Solo Violin. (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr.(various)
updated 9/11/04
BWV 1003 - Sonata No.2 in a- for Solo Violin. (in a minor):
1. Grave :
Guitar arr. by Jon B.
added 9/11/04
BWV 1003 - Sonata No.2 in a- for Solo Violin. (in a minor):
3. Andante :
Guitar arr. by A. Trotter
added 9/11/04
BWV 1004 - Partita No.2 in d- for Solo Violin. (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1004 - Partita No.2 in d- for Solo Violin. (in d minor):
2. Corrente (Courante) :
Guitar arr. by StoneDragon
added 9/11/04
BWV 1004 - Partita No.2 in d- for Solo Violin. (in d minor):
5. Ciaconna (Chaconne) :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 1005 - Sonata No.3 in C for Solo Violin. (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 1005 - Sonata No.3 in C for Solo Violin. (in C):
3. Largo :
Guitar arr. by A. Trotter
added 9/17/04
BWV 1001 - Sonata No.1 in g- for Solo Violin. (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1001 - Sonata No.1 in g- for Solo Violin. (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1002 - Partita No.1 in b- for Solo Violin. (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1002 - Partita No.1 in b- for Solo Violin. (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1003 - Sonata No.2 in a- for Solo Violin. (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1003 - Sonata No.2 in a- for Solo Violin. (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1004 - Partita No.2 in d- for Solo Violin. (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1004 - Partita No.2 in d- for Solo Violin. (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1005 - Sonata No.3 in C for Solo Violin. (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1005 - Sonata No.3 in C for Solo Violin. (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1006 - Partita No.3 in E for Solo Violin [SEE ALSO BWV 1006a (lute version), where I've listed all the GUITAR versions!] (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1006 - Partita No.3 in E for Solo Violin [SEE ALSO BWV 1006a (lute version), where I've listed all the GUITAR versions!] (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1007 - Suite No.1 in G, for Solo Cello. (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 1007 - Suite No.1 in G, for Solo Cello. (in G):
1. Prelude :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 1008 - Suite No.2 in d- for Solo Cello. (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 1009 - Suite No.3 in C for Solo Cello. (in C):
[complete] :
Guitar arr. by Soo & Sung
added 9/11/04
BWV 1009 - Suite No.3 in C for Solo Cello. (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by TD Tai
added 9/11/04
BWV 1010 - Suite No.4 in E-flat for Solo Cello. (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 1012 - Suite No.6 in D for Solo Cello. (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Bachovich
added 9/11/04
BWV 1012 - Suite No.6 in D for Solo Cello. (in D):
1. Prelude :
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1007 - Suite No.1 in G, for Solo Cello. (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1007 - Suite No.1 in G, for Solo Cello. (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1008 - Suite No.2 in d- for Solo Cello. (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1008 - Suite No.2 in d- for Solo Cello. (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1009 - Suite No.3 in C for Solo Cello. (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1009 - Suite No.3 in C for Solo Cello. (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1010 - Suite No.4 in E-flat for Solo Cello. (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1010 - Suite No.4 in E-flat for Solo Cello. (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1011 - Suite No.5 in c- for Solo Cello [SEE ALSO BWV 995 (lute version), where I've listed all the GUITAR versions!] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1011 - Suite No.5 in c- for Solo Cello [SEE ALSO BWV 995 (lute version), where I've listed all the GUITAR versions!] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1012 - Suite No.6 in D for Solo Cello. (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1012 - Suite No.6 in D for Solo Cello. (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1013 - Partita in a- for Solo Flute. (in a minor):
Sarabande :
Guitar arr. by B. Alink
added 9/17/04
BWV 1013 - Partita in a- for Solo Flute. (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1013 - Partita in a- for Solo Flute. (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1020-1024 - Sonatas (in g, G, F, e, and c).:
BWV 1023 :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV 1031 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in E-flat):
Siciliano :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by L. Chambers
added 9/11/04
BWV 1033 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in C):
Andante :
Guitar arr. by A. Mendes
added 9/11/04
BWV 1034 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in e minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Hoover
added 9/17/04
BWV 1014-1019 - Sonatas for Keyboard & Violin (No.1 in b minor, 2 in A, 3=E, 4=c, 5=f, 6=G).:
[set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by B. De Giusti
added 9/17/04
BWV 1014-1019 - Sonatas for Keyboard & Violin (No.1 in b minor, 2 in A, 3=E, 4=c, 5=f, 6=G).:
[set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by BB Luis
added 9/11/04
BWV 1014-1019 - Sonatas for Keyboard & Violin (No.1 in b minor, 2 in A, 3=E, 4=c, 5=f, 6=G).:
[set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1019a - [alternative movements for BWV 1019]:
[Alternative movements 1 and 2] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by MM Cabre
added 9/17/04
BWV 1020-1024 - Sonatas (in g, G, F, e, and c).:
BWV 1020 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1020-1024 - Sonatas (in g, G, F, e, and c).:
BWV 1020, 1021, and 1023 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1025 - Suite (spurious) for violin & keyboard obbligato (in A):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by JK Epprecht
added 9/11/04
BWV 1027 - Sonata No. 1 for Viola da Gamba ("Bass Viol") and Harpsichord (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1027 - Sonata No. 1 for Viola da Gamba ("Bass Viol") and Harpsichord (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/11/04
BWV 1028 - Sonata No. 2 for Viola da Gamba ("Bass Viol") and Harpsichord (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1028 - Sonata No. 2 for Viola da Gamba ("Bass Viol") and Harpsichord (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/11/04
BWV 1029 - Sonata No. 3 for Viola da Gamba ("Bass Viol") and Harpsichord (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1029 - Sonata No. 3 for Viola da Gamba ("Bass Viol") and Harpsichord (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/17/04
BWV 1030 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1030 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1031 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1031 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1031 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in E-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Weimer
added 9/17/04
BWV 1032 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in A):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1032 - Sonata for flute and harpsichord (in A):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1033 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1033 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1034 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in e minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1034 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in e minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1035 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1035 - Sonata for flute and continuo (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1036 - SPURIOUS: Sonata (by C.P.E. Bach) (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1037 - SPURIOUS: Sonata (by J.G. Goldberg) (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1038 - Sonata for Flute,Violin,and Keyboard (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1039 - Trio Sonata for 2 flutes and continuo (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1039 - Trio Sonata for 2 flutes and continuo (in G):
[complete] :
NONgtr. Edition by C. San Emeterio
added 9/11/04
BWV 1039 - Trio Sonata for 2 flutes and continuo (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1040 - Trio (Instrumentalsatz F-dur) (in F):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1056 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in f minor):
Largo (some call this "Arioso") :
Guitar arr.(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1056 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in f minor):
Largo (some call this "Arioso") :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by D. Hoover
added 9/11/04
BWV 1067 - Orchestral Suite No. 2 (Ouvertüre h-moll) (in b minor):
7. Badinerie :
Guitar arr. by C. Ottem
added 9/11/04
BWV 1068 - Orchestral Suite No. 3 (Ouvertüre D-dur) (in D):
Air (often retitled "Air on the g string") :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV 1067 - Orchestral Suite No. 2 (Ouvertüre h-moll) (in b minor):
7. Badinerie :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by E. Silvestri
added 9/11/04
BWV 1041 - Violin Concerto (in a minor):
[complete] :
(score and parts)
NONgtr. Edition(edition)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1041 - Violin Concerto (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1041 - Violin Concerto (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by Grossman/Hubeart
added 9/11/04
BWV 1041 - Violin Concerto (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1042 - Violin Concerto (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1042 - Violin Concerto (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1043 - Concerto for 2 violins (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1043 - Concerto for 2 violins (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1044 - Concerto ("Triple Concerto") for flute, violin and harpsichord (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1044 - Concerto ("Triple Concerto") for flute, violin and harpsichord (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
- BWV 1046-1051 series - The Six Brandenburg Concertos [SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/17/04
[complete set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
[complete set of works] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1046 - [complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Goforth
added 9/11/04
BWV 1046a - Sinfonia [an earlier version of BWV 1046] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1052 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1052 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1052 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in d minor):
1. Allegro :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TJ Hubeart/Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 1053 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1053 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in E):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1054 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1054 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in D):
1. [Allegro] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by J. Abrams
added 9/17/04
BWV 1055 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in A):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1055 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in A):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1056 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in f minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1056 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in f minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1057 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd, 2 rec; str, bc) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1058 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1058 - Harpsichord Concerto (hpd; str, bc) (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1059 - Harpsichord Concerto (lost except a fragment, but often reconstructed from other works) (hpd, ob; str, bc) (in d minor):
[fragment (see REMARKS, above)] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1060 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1060 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1060 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/17/04
BWV 1060r - ["Concerto for Violin and Oboe" reconstruction] (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by S. Azanon
added 9/17/04
BWV 1061 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1061 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1062 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1062 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/17/04
BWV 1062 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords (2 hpd; str, bc) (in c minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/11/04
BWV 1063 - Concerto for Three Harpsichords (3 hpd; str, bc) (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1063 - Concerto for Three Harpsichords (3 hpd; str, bc) (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/17/04
BWV 1063 - Concerto for Three Harpsichords (3 hpd; str, bc) (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by M. Copia
added 9/11/04
BWV 1064 - Concerto for Three Harpsichords (3 hpd; str, bc) (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1064 - Concerto for Three Harpsichords (3 hpd; str, bc) (in C):
3. Allegro :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Ghersi
added 9/17/04
BWV 1065 - Concerto for Four Harpsichords (4 hpd; str, bc) (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1065 - Concerto for Four Harpsichords (4 hpd; str, bc) (in a minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1066 - Orchestral Suite No. 1 (Ouvertüre C-dur) (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1066 - Orchestral Suite No. 1 (Ouvertüre C-dur) (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by J. Hamm
added 9/11/04
BWV 1066 - Orchestral Suite No. 1 (Ouvertüre C-dur) (in C):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1067 - Orchestral Suite No. 2 (Ouvertüre h-moll) (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1067 - Orchestral Suite No. 2 (Ouvertüre h-moll) (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by J. Hamm
added 9/11/04
BWV 1067 - Orchestral Suite No. 2 (Ouvertüre h-moll) (in b minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1068 - Orchestral Suite No. 3 (Ouvertüre D-dur) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1068 - Orchestral Suite No. 3 (Ouvertüre D-dur) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by J. Hamm
added 9/11/04
BWV 1068 - Orchestral Suite No. 3 (Ouvertüre D-dur) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1069 - Orchestral Suite No. 4 (Ouvertüre D-dur) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1069 - Orchestral Suite No. 4 (Ouvertüre D-dur) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by J. Hamm
added 9/11/04
BWV 1069 - Orchestral Suite No. 4 (Ouvertüre D-dur) (in D):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1070 - Ouvertüre g-moll (spurious, possibly by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach) (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1043 - Concerto for 2 violins (in d minor):
[First page of part score (Violin I) from the Vivace] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
- BWV 1046-1051 series - The Six Brandenburg Concertos [SETS and SELECTIONS] :
added 9/11/04
BWV 1046 - [first page only] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1048 [first page only] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer):
"Crab" Canon :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by OA Aquino
added 9/11/04
BWV 1080 - Art of Fugue (Der Kunst der Fuge):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar DUO by G. Louise
added 9/17/04
BWV 1072 - Canon trias harmonica (Kanon zu acht Stimmen):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1072 - Canon trias harmonica (Kanon zu acht Stimmen):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1073 - Canon a 4 perpetuus:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 1074 - Canon a 4:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1074 - Canon a 4:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1075 - Canon a 2 perpetuus:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1075 - Canon a 2 perpetuus:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1076 - Canon triplex a 6:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1076 - Canon triplex a 6:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1077 - Canone doppio sopr'il soggetto (Kanon zu vier Stimmen nebst Soggetto als Bassstimme):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1077 - Canone doppio sopr'il soggetto (Kanon zu vier Stimmen nebst Soggetto als Bassstimme):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1078 - Canon super fa mi a 7 post tempus musicum (Kanon zu sieben Stimmen nebst einer Basso-ostinato-Stimme):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1078 - Canon super fa mi a 7 post tempus musicum (Kanon zu sieben Stimmen nebst einer Basso-ostinato-Stimme):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
relinked 9/11/04
BWV 1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer):
[complete] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer):
[various movements] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer):
[various movements] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer):
Ricercar a 6 :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TL Hubeart Jr.
relinked 9/11/04
BWV 1080 - Art of Fugue (Der Kunst der Fuge):
[complete] :
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 1080 - Art of Fugue (Der Kunst der Fuge):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1080 - Art of Fugue (Der Kunst der Fuge):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1080 - Art of Fugue (Der Kunst der Fuge):
[various movements] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/17/04
BWV 1080 - Art of Fugue (Der Kunst der Fuge):
Contrapunctus I :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by TL Hubeart Jr.
added 9/17/04
BWV 1086 - Canon concordia discors (Kanon zu zwei Stimmen):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1086 - Canon concordia discors (Kanon zu zwei Stimmen):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/17/04
BWV 1087 - 14 Canons on the First Eight Notes of the Goldberg Ground:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by D. Grossman
added 9/11/04
BWV 1087 - 14 Canons on the First Eight Notes of the Goldberg Ground:
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
added 9/11/04
BWV 1073 - Canon a 4 perpetuus:
[complete] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1076 - Canon triplex a 6:
[complete] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer):
["Ricercar" fragment] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 1080 - Art of Fugue (Der Kunst der Fuge):
[one page only] :
NONgtr. Manuscript(MANUSCRIPT)
added 9/11/04
BWV 510 - Chorale, "Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille" in F (anonymous, bass added) (in F):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV 515a - Aria, "Erbauliche Gedanken eines Tobackrauchers" in G (with bass by J.S. Bach?) (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV Anh.114 - Minuet in G (actual composer C. Petzold [1677-1733], not Bach!!) (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV Anh.114 - Minuet in G (actual composer C. Petzold [1677-1733], not Bach!!) (in G):
[with No.5, en rondeau] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by E. Silvestri
added 9/11/04
BWV Anh.115 - Minuet in g minor (actual composer C. Petzold [1677-1733], not Bach!!) (in g minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV Anh.115 - Minuet in g minor (actual composer C. Petzold [1677-1733], not Bach!!) (in g minor):
[with No.4, en rondeau] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by E. Silvestri
added 9/11/04
BWV Anh.116 - Minuet in G (composer unknown) (in G):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV Anh.132 - Minuet in d minor (composer unknown) (in d minor):
[complete] :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/17/04
BWV 82/2 and 82/3 - Recitative, "Ich habe genug," & Aria, "Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen" (J.S. Bach):
"Ich habe genug" (?) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV 508-518 series - arias and songs (SETS and SELECTIONS) :
added 9/17/04
BWV 508 to 518, 515a (complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/11/04
BWV 508 to 518, 515a (complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition by KCN
relinked 9/11/04
BWV 691 - Chorale, "Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten" (J.S. Bach):
[complete] :
(organ (or keyboard?))
NONgtr. Edition(BGA edition?)
added 9/17/04
BWV 691 - Chorale, "Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten" (J.S. Bach):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
- BWV Anh.113 to Anh. 132 series - [various mostly anonymous or spurious works] - SETS and SELECTIONS :
added 9/17/04
Anh.113 to Anh.132 (complete set) :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
added 9/17/04
BWV Anh.183 - Rondeau ["Les bergeries"] in B-flat (by F. Couperin) (in B-flat):
[complete] :
(MIDI only)
NONgtr. Edition(various)
What the Hey? : Guitar arr. entries :
added 9/11/04
BWV ??? - Danged if I know.:
"Pieces from Anna Magdalena Notebook" :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by F. Faucher
added 9/11/04
BWV ??? - Danged if I know.:
Polonaise :
(MIDI only- guitar version)
Guitar arr. by G. Stoughton
Page last edited 4/1/05 2:34:48 AM. ©2001,2002,2004, 2005 Alan Melvin.