Bach for Guitar website's
Manuscripts Page
Where "thumbnailed" (miniature) images are shown, click to view full resolution of the scans.
BWV 1006a (suite in E major)
autograph (J.S. Bach) manuscript
Popularly known as a "lute suite", this one is an arrangement of BWV 1006 (the Violin Partita No.3)
BWV 996 (Lute Suite in e minor)
Walther manuscript
Here are scans (of all but the title page) of the most important source for suite BWV 996. This manuscript is kept in
the Stattsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz, where it is numbered Mus. ms. Bach P 801, pp. 385-395.
BWV 997 (Suite in c minor)
Agricola manuscript
Very important: The only way to make sense of this suite's notation is to realize that the upper staff is written 8va (an octave higher than it sounds, just as guitar music is written). This one is likely to be a direct copy of the lost original.
The unusual octave feature is seen in all copies except that of J.C. Weyrauch (a friend of Bach's) who obviously understood it before converting to lute tablature. (Many other manuscripts trace back to the misguided "repair" attempts of an unknown copyist who didn't perceive the 8va for what it was.)
This manuscript copy was done between 1738 and 1741 by Johann Friedrich Agricola. It is kept in the Stattsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz, where it is numbered Mus. ms. Bach P 650. I've scanned all but the title page.
BWV 998 (Prelude, Fugue, and Allegro) for lute or keyboard
autograph (J.S. Bach) manuscript
This manuscript is in standard notation until the last part of the allegro, where Bach switches to
"keyboard tablature" to squeeze it all in on the remaining paper. (Even so, the tablature passage
overflows onto the bottom of page 1.)
BWV 1001 (Sonata No.1 in g minor for unaccompanied violin)
autograph (J.S. Bach) manuscript
(I didn't scan the end of the Presto, but the rest all is here.) Notice that the last
line of the fugue stretches across both its pages.
BWV 1003 movements 1, 2, 3 (grave, fuga, andante from Sonata No.2 for unaccompanied violin)
autograph (J.S. Bach) manuscript
BWV 995 (Lute Suite in g minor)
autograph (J.S. Bach) manuscript
This one is an arrangement of BWV 1011 (the Cello Suite No.5)
Wimmercello has scans of both the lute (BWV 995) and cello (BWV 1011) incarnations of this suite.
BWV 999 (Prelude in c minor)
Kellner manuscript
This copy is the single surviving source for this work.
Dave's J. S. Bach Page has the biggest scan of this.
BWV 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012 (the Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello)
Anna Magdalena Bach manuscript
This is one of the five surviving independent copies of the suites. (None of Bach's autograph copies survives- although there seem to have been at least three.)
Wimmercello has scans of Anna Magdalena Bach's copy.
The Manuscripts page was created March 10th 2006; since then it has been visited
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